Suspect (2022)
Researcher 1 points 2 months ago*.

Season 2 seemed more like a recitation of lines instead of acting. Every scene was comprised of the protagonist encountering the person after which the episode was named, convincing this person to provide missing info, and then running from the bad guys. Yes, I understand that this can be described as story-telling, but seen in the 8 episodes from season 1 and again in the 8 episodes from season 2 made it seem repetitive.
Did I stay for the entire season? Yes.
Will I come back for the next season? NO!

Lulusbay 1 points 1 month ago.

I gave up… I just couldn’t do it anymore. Watched because of James Nesbitt Season 1 - but this was like a production put on by high school students? HUH? so much didn’t make any sense at all - the acting was ridiculous, and the storyline absurd. I pushed through until Episode 5 (because mama didn’t raise no quitter)… but then just no more. Can only say that I usually love British crime drama… but this is utter rubbish. For the sake of your sanity, leave it alone. Oh and btw even though James Nesbitt’s character is referred to every third line… he hasn’t appeared once!!