Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993) S7 E11
Rodreko 2 points 2 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Can someone explain to me why the doctor and Miles would play the Alamo over and over again? That was a bloody battle with muskets, swords and cannons. Not something you would want to re-enact while you are literally currently at war. It makes no sense. You’d have to be a psychopathic Klingon to enjoy that especially when you recently were involved in combat where you watched many of your fellow officers die brutally.

Wizzdom 1 points 2 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Sometimes it’s nice to fight a battle where the odds are stacked against you and there is no chance of winning, but in reality you have a stacked deck so you can experiment with the hopeless situation and perhaps learn something that will help if, God forbid, that hopeless situation manifests outside the holodeck. Miles is a soldier with a heart and a conscience through and through, and so is Bashir, in all the ways a doctor with a complicated past can be. It’s sort of a poetic nod to how excellent they’re both written, imo at least.