Dark Matter (2024) S1 E6
Researcher 3 points 21 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

That’s the thing: he can’t use this box anymore unless he breaks it out of the concrete box. I think he did this because he also keeps anyone from coming into this world. So, original (OG) Jason will never find this one. But then, a happy ending would mean that OG Jason finds this (his) world; I’m intrigued as to how that would happen. Will Traveler Jason build another box once he figures out it’s not his “perfect” world? Sooner or later OG Jason and Amanda will figure out that they need to get to other labs to get more ampules. Will they start trying to find other labs? I wonder if the sealed box manifests as a locked door or completely disappears from the corridor.

kerfy 3 points 21 days ago.

when someone opens the door to that world they will see a concrete wall, easy enough to break it down…