Red River (1948)
Alien 1 points 2 years ago.

A few more classics have been posted. Have you seen this one?:

Piglet 2 points 2 years ago.

Yes, it is a great Clark Gable movie and I’ve seen it a few times. Clark is one of my favorite actors. I’m a child of the 1960’s and what a great decade to be a child. Some good things about the 60’s and some bad things about the 60’s. The formation of new a type of music, Rock’n Roll, Clint Eastwood in spaghetti westerns, civil rights movement, sit ins, the heartbreak of the Vietnam war, JFK’s and Bobby’s assassinations along with MLK’s, landing on the moon. Drinking Tang which was a product used my NASA, car seatbelts (made mandatory by the early 1970’s) which my mother had my dad put in our car around 1868 or 69.The death of Marylin Monroe. This decade made the 80’s & 90’s rather dull…