The Holiday (2022)
bcreed08 0 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

The women didn’t hate each other, they were friends. The real major flaw is why these two families would go on vacation when at least one parent from each thought their child was involved with a hit and run that sent somebody to the hospital in critical condition. You cancel your plans, you definitely don’t press on like nothing happened.

Also these parents are pretty terrible at watching their young children. Who just lets their children roam free when there are cliffs nearby that they can easily fall off and die?

Mikeonalpha 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

yes, but they were not all THAT close, certainly not to get together like that - i agree the parenting skills were terrible - drinking so much in front of the kids - brushing them off at a moments notice. Sean didn’t tell kate about the accident because, he thought he could handle it all, and there was a comment made towards the end of the final episode about not telling Kate (probably because she was a police detective). The whole show was really about miscommunication between both adults and kids. Jill Halfpenny was great - played her character well - wound tighter than a drum.