michaelmyers : wtf i watch old ep on fb are they even still on tv ?
Alien : Some movies need to be.
greenguy86 : Contains spoilers. Click to show. Juliett doesn't die. She is the main character! Producers have confirmed that Bernard does...
greenguy86 : It's not at all overly complex. The producers just seem to be taking their time telling th...
Xsile : Yhou can find then in audio form on Youtube if you want to listen to them
simones : I don't know how to describe this movie except as a fantastical allegory of social mores, ...
Only!Tigger : Poor Rolo. And her daughter..... wow!
hackenprof : Next two seasons are greenlit. If they follow the books, the next season should be origin ...
AmieWarren : I don't know how to do that.
michaelmyers : is this nbc shit any good cause ill drop it faster than u can type yes or no ''...