Rattus has formed ‘The Demoratic Party', and has enlisted the help of a political advisor - Dani Dyer - to help him rise to political power. Although Dani may be a surprise appointment for some, her experiences on Love Island have actually given her the perfect experience of the back-stabbing, unholy alliances and lying needed for life in the political sphere. Together, they guide us through a history of politics from the birth of democracy in ancient Greece right up until the arrival on the scene of Britain's first female prime minister, Margaret Thatcher. Along the way, we see how the shift from monarchist to parliamentary rule began in Britain, and some of the workings of parliament itself. The speaker of the house oversees debates within parliament, but did you know that the speaker's chair actually used to include its own toilet facilities? ThesSpeaker could not leave the house while a debate was still ongoing, so here we see how 'the little speaker's room' might have come into play during a particularly lengthy parliamentary session. Also in the Houses of Parliament, Spencer Perceval's PR team work hard to come up with some fittingly historic final words for him to utter, after he becomes the first (and only) prime minister to be shot within its hallowed halls. We also take a look at several political injustices, be it the European 'scramble for Africa', or the fight women had to undertake to even get themselves a voice in British politics - we see them having to sit in The Ladies Gallery (the only place from which they were allowed to watch parliamentary debates), we meet the suffragettes campaigning for women to get the right to vote, and we see how Margaret Thatcher even had to change her voice in a bid to be taken more seriously in her political career.
Susan Queen : The monster lied for years that he didnt tamper with the jailbait........and now he is jai...