Rattus is panicking, as the Rat Queen is visiting the sewer and he has no idea how to behave nicely around royalty! Not only that, if he can somehow appear attractive to the Queen, maybe he could be the next Rat King?! Luckily, help is at hand in the (very well-mannered) shape of First Dates' Fred Sirieix, a man who knows all about how to behave politely in high society. Fred will guide Rattus through the Horrible History of Manners and Etiquette, in a bid to help him on his quest. In terms of historical courting tips, we'll see how the Puritans did dating (mostly via an eight-foot-long brass tube), and how Tudor women would put an apple under their arms, which they wouldd then give to a potential partner as a token of their love. A squishy, odd-smelling token of their love. We will also take a trip to Historical Love Island, where Jane Austen is hoping to meet the modern man of her dreams. Rattus will also learn about ancient Greek hospitality customs, the first time the fork came to Britain, and how a man actually died in the Roman emperor's court from holding his farts in for too long (something Rattus definitely doesn't do). Other ancient customs will include the etiquette of dining with Queen Victoria (the key was speed - because as soon as she had finished eating, you had to stop too), and also of actually eating other people. There is also a look at the chivalric code (which, as well as fighting tips, included how to appreciate art and make music), and a handy guide to Victorian funeral customs - something they took very seriously, to the extent that they even hired professional mourners in a bid to give their nearest and dearest a proper send-off.
Dvora : Would it be fair to say that this was kind of silly. I mean, I expected so much more from ...