Old friends and fellow comedians Johnny Vegas and Lucy Beaumont undertake a hair-raising journey through the wildest roads Montenegro has to offer. Things get off to a rocky start when it transpires that Lucy can't actually drive… and they go further downhill when our heroes hit their first off-road section and Lucy starts frantically searching for something to be sick in. Much to Johnny's mounting disbelief, it turns out she suffers from chronic travel sickness. Shortly afterwards, smoke starts rising from beneath the bonnet and the car grinds to a complete halt. Halfway into their first day, and already the trip of a lifetime is turning into the holiday from hell! Over the next three days, along with the terrifying roads and perilous drops, there are cultural exchanges with baffled locals, dubious history lessons from Lucy that may - or may not - have some basis in reality, personal revelations, plenty of laughs, and some of the most stunning scenery either of them have ever seen.
Boiler : awesome tune. been awhile since I've listened to it. \m/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...