The USS New York is a floating tribute to those who died Sept. 11, 2001, with 7.5 tons of steel salvaged from the wreckage of the Twin Towers forming her bow stem.
Lulusbay : There is a little something in this that makes me want to see how it plays out. Not a pa...
tardisrider : Ya know if treated right Eddings books would make a fantastic series.......
Lulusbay : Love this series - hope there is a season 3 - amazing look into how life was at that time ...
Piglet : Just noticed that season 2 will start in May.
Piglet : A fifth John Wick movie is in development. Say what?!?! Well, this could be very interesti...
Peevee : Cannot. Wait.
BoochJohnson : OMG! Something very bad happens in this movie.
Fugitive : Veerry true.... It was a silly movie interesting though
Boiler : thank you for posting this link in chat. I enjoyed this. \m/ wish i could make another tw...
Alien : Who can resist watching kittens? Not I.
Lulusbay : There is a little something in this that makes me want to see how it plays out. Not a pa...