The Carol Burnett Show turns 50 and to celebrate the momentous occasion, CBS will honor the groundbreaking comedy series with The Carol Burnett 50th Anniversary Special. The one-night event, which will film at the series' original soundstage at CBS Television City in Los Angeles, will feature Burnett, original cast members Vicki Lawrence and Lyle Waggoner, costume designer Bob Mackie, and a slew of special guests, including Jim Carrey, Kristin Chenoweth, Stephen Colbert, Harry Connick Jr., Bill Hader, Jay Leno, Jane Lynch, Bernadette Peters, Maya Rudolph, and Martin Short. Burnett reminisces about favorite sketches, memorable wardrobe choices and bloopers, and answers audience questions. |
Title: | The Carol Burnett 50th Anniversary Special | |
Air Date: | December 3, 2017 | |
Runtime: | 60 min | |
Genres: | Comedy | |
Bcflyzz : enjoyed it, but needs a remake