The tensions between the younger and the elder Batiatus continue, particularly in the old arena where the elder continually reminds his son to remember his place and station. At home, the Roman women are also having difficulty accepting the father's ongoing - and seemingly permanent - presence. When Gaia meets an acquaintance at the market, she introduces him to Lucretia and he immediately comments on the pleasures available at her home. Gaia again sees an opportunity, but the elder Batiatus would never condone such debauchery. His son however manages to convince him to leave for Neapolis, ostensibly to purchase new slaves and receive the salt air. Lucretia agrees to proceed, with Selonious as chaperone, and the night seems to go well, until the unexpected arrival of Tullius, who wishes to fight Gannicus - a duel he is ordered to lose. Recovering from his wounds, Gannicus is however able to share an intimate moment with Melitta. During their liaison, Gaia underestimates Tullius and she dies at his hand. The sudden return of the Batiatus' simply make matters worse yet again, particularly for Lucretia.
WestfortGal : I LOVE her story-telling.