Title: | K.Will, Soyou, Donghyun (Boyfriend), Yoo Seung-woo, Jeong Se-woon, Jaehee (Mind U), Kihyun (Monsta X), Yeonjung (Cosmic Girls), Baek In-tae (Duetto) | |
Air Date: | January 25, 2019 | |
Runtime: | 65 min | |
Genres: | Music | |
Title: | K.Will, Soyou, Donghyun (Boyfriend), Yoo Seung-woo, Jeong Se-woon, Jaehee (Mind U), Kihyun (Monsta X), Yeonjung (Cosmic Girls), Baek In-tae (Duetto) | |
Air Date: | January 25, 2019 | |
Runtime: | 65 min | |
Genres: | Music | |
BobbyBBB : I thought these types of reality based shows were dead? Even the original Million $ Listin...