Nick digs for information about Rey, Dina shares a secret, and Sharon stands her ground. : If you enjoy these intimate glimpses into marine life, you might like "My Octopus Teacher"...
Piglet : Joaquin Phoenix is also in this movie and labeled as a modern day western. Still not a lo...
yellow_rose1 : Contains spoilers. Click to show. The most realistic protrayal of dometic abuse. The first time I watched it on T.V. I cried...
yellow_rose1 : yes that part with the sick sister was incredibly well done.
yellow_rose1 : Contains spoilers. Click to show. This is the best verison and only version of the book that should be watched. After readin...
Patchouligal2 : Wow...this is so amazing... Really glad I found it!!
pramwire : "No Flipping"
random000 : This toon is a good mirror for our society to look at with its incorrect thinking & wrong ...
maxx.black2 : But, does he remember "Ethel the Frog" ?
Dante89 : It's an awesome two parts episode ! And yeah it's funny that they didn't notice this about... : If you enjoy these intimate glimpses into marine life, you might like "My Octopus Teacher"...