Jim and Lisa lead an intelligence-led strike. Several suspects are on the move, and it's believed they're in possession of a handgun and ammunition. Five armed-response vehicles and a dog van form the convoy who perform a perfect double-box on two vehicles simultaneously, and a search of one of the cars throws up a few surprises.
The Knife Crime Team are also working on intel, targeting drug hotspots. They nick a bloke in a residential area who appears to be dealing drugs. It doesn't take Gav long to find the wraps of suspected Class A's hidden in the man's trousers.
On a Saturday night, Lee Frith pursues a Peugeot at frightening speeds around the city centre. Before long, a convoy of cop cars have come to assist, while the driver is blasting through red lights without a second thought. Sensing danger, Lee hangs back. Sure enough, the reckless driver ploughs into an innocent driver causing a massive fireball. Cops' starburst to deliver first aid to those in dire need of help.
Another pursuit in Worksop sees Jay Simms tail a suspected car thief into a housing estate. When the driver realises the game's up, he bizarrely leaps out of his moving car. It doesn't take Jay long to peel him off the tarmac and get him in cuffs.
And Phil Broughton pulls a dodgy-looking Beamer, but just how much of a banger this motor is, even surprises Phil.
yellow_rose1 : It was all the media talked about afterwards and Ireland was exposing their priests aroun...