Hoping to strike a deal tonight are the musical inventor of a drumming training device and an LA-born entrepreneur with a culinary alcohol product range.
grasshopper rex : This comment didn't age well. lol
magically_delicious : Get a real life, downvoter who checks my profile at every opportunity. Seriously, you thi...
IceKreamSundaze : Lol this was great
yellow_rose1 : they are should have done extensive jail/prison time
Yurocalling : yes! I got around to watching all of it and wow wow wow! you gotta hand it to the guy who ...
Birdsforme : Glad someone else ere appreciated him!
Can I pet that dawg? : Did you watch it here? Because there are no links now.
kkarlz : This was good :)
grasshopper rex : The links on episode 1 are for all of it.
CollideDuhScope : You're fun as much as you don't like to admit.. Smoochez
grasshopper rex : This comment didn't age well. lol