Detective Utsumi Kaoru, who works at Kaizuka Kita Police Precinct, has not been able to find her place in the male-dominated world of the police precinct. She is eventually encouraged by her boss to train for a year in Oklahoma in the United States, and stands at life's crossroads. One day, Kaoru detains Jonen Kenichi, a man placed on the Nagano Prefectural Police's wanted list. He is with an old woman who is already dead. The old woman was being cared for by him. Jonen had killed a lady at the nursing care facility after getting into an argument with her, and came to Tokyo with this old woman. Kaoru gets a confession from him and is about to regain her confidence as a police officer. However, just as Jonen gets transferred to the Nagano Prefectural Police, he completely denies the charges, declaring that it is entirely different from the statement Kaoru had obtained. Kaoru ends up suspected of lying in order to take credit for herself. |
Title: | Galileo XX | |
Air Date: | June 22, 2013 | |
Runtime: | 45 min | |
Genres: | Mystery | |
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