yellow_rose1 : Contains spoilers. Click to show. Well I hate to say I told you so (BoochJohnson) but this episode played out just as I thou...
mkmikas : a terrific, serious and epic film. great acting, cinematography, questions. accurate depic...
Speed711 : Yeah it went off the rails. It started off looking good but the last episode dropped off t...
mikebcarguy : 3 eps to recognize Rorschach, then learned what else Jackie Earle Haley's done... cool. A...
BoochJohnson : I had to google "Dope Thief episode 4 explained" after watching this confusing mess.
mikebcarguy : The story by Ambrose Bierce (and the Twilight Zone episode), "An Occurrence at Owl Creek B...
Rasnac : First season was perfect. Lost its way a little bit and got really weird and esoteric arou...
IceKreamSundaze : lol crazy
mkmikas : never seen a whale shit before..
gldmediatv : Really-ЖЖЖЖ-Struggle to imagine what the first was like ?