In this town, the series explores how one boy left an entire city living in fear. Aged just fifteen, Robbie Mcintosh walked into a fish and chip shop to announce that a woman had been killed on the iconic Law Hill. Locals were terrified as the news spread. And police revealed the victim had been stabbed dozens of times.But police never imagined that the culprit was the fifteen-year-old. As cops swooped to arrest him, Mcintosh fled and reached Glasgow airport, buying a ticket to Canada when he was placed under arrest. Was Mcintosh a local youth who had committed something shocking, or a serial killer in the making, stopped in his tracks?Dundee would find out in 2017, when Mcintosh was allowed out of prison on home leave. He lasted 5 days. Then he took a walk into nearby woods, spotted a female dog walker, and attacked her with a large heavy dumbbell.The woman survived, and police arrested Mcintosh in his boxer shorts just an hour later. In Dundee, lightning had struck twice. And terrifyingly, Mcintosh will be eligible for release in 2022. |
Title: | Dundee | |
Air Date: | September 17, 2018 | |
Runtime: | 60 min | |
Genres: | Crime | |
michaelmyers : wow with better actors and script i see this would made a dam good film ! .......