Hilarious clip show hosted by the legendary Chuckle Brothers, Paul and Barry. This time you are the butt of the jokes, with the funniest fails, flops and falls from the internet.
NiteOwwl61687 : Contains spoilers. Click to show. SPOILER ALERT..... >!Ah,Ah,Ah,Ah, Stayin alive! Ah ah ah ah.... LMAO!! Poor Misty. I did...
Lulusbay : So totally Australian I could smell it... made me homesick. Beautiful family story, this ...
FillipW : How hot was it ?
lifeoftom : I am not sure why people are voting this movie so little, it accurately represents the fee...
hellsingfan01 : Contains spoilers. Click to show. Basically, this episode is nothing more than the Power Rangers vs. Godzilla and its awsome...
peterdewet : please would you supply links to this series... thank you. peter.
snazzydetritus : Preach, Hammer!
med109 : here's a good one for the holiday. The second link was the one that worked for me fyi http...
AnHistoricPigeon : Haha thanks! I taught undergrad. physics for a couple of years. I miss it.
NiteOwwl61687 : Contains spoilers. Click to show. SPOILER ALERT..... >!Ah,Ah,Ah,Ah, Stayin alive! Ah ah ah ah.... LMAO!! Poor Misty. I did...