The Alpha team have been called to a burning truck full of bricks on the A69. When they arrive it soon becomes clear the job is going to be far from straightforward as the fire has destroyed the air brake system and melted the rigid at its rear. Operations Manager Gary's only option is to manually unhitch the rear wagon and release all the brakes by hand, but the fire ravaged carcass means that every step of this recovery will be a challenge. To make matters worse, the fuel tank has sustained considerable damage, leaving gallons of diesel dangerously exposed.
In Hertfordshire Lantern Recovery Incident Manager Sean has been pulled away from HQ to rescue a tipper truck that has run aground. He has a challenge ahead as it is far down a private lane resting precariously against a fence, the wheels are sunk deep in mud and there is little space to turn. Sean's only option is to position his wrecker some distance from the casualty and then perform a challenging central pull using soft strops.
On a busy stretch of the M42 outside Birmingham a fully loaded Sprinter Van has limped onto the hard shoulder. The rear differential is broken meaning the van can no longer be driven, luckily Crouch Recovery op Joe has his flatbed truck at the ready. Joe needs to work quickly and carefully because he has busy rush hour traffic thundering past, making this a risky rescue.
keithlovestv : This isn't the right episode, this is Daredevil (2015) season 1, episode 3.