Alpha Recovery's Operations Manager Gary assembles a crack team to take on a tipping lorry. A 46-tonne artic has veered into a verge on a busy A-road and is going nowhere without some help. Highways have closed two lanes but the third is still open and traffic is streaming by. Gary and the team must carefully coax the lorry out, using two wreckers and four winch lines. But with little room to work there is a danger of this long lorry rolling into the live lane.
In Hertfordshire, another lorry has lost its way. Tight turns convinced the driver to turn back but the tricky conditions caused the wheels to get caught in slippery mud. The massive truck it now wedged in, without a hope of getting out. Lantern Recovery op Stuart must come to the rescue. But getting through claustrophobic country lanes proves a challenge for him and his 32-tonne wrecker. Once on scene Stu swiftly realises that this rescue will not be straightforward.
And on the M11, Heavy Recovery hero Merrie must make it her mission to miss motorway traffic when she is tasked with towing a broken-down truck. The 32-tonner is sitting on the hard shoulder. The brakes are locked on and it is going nowhere fast. To make matters worse it has a heavy weight crane attachment, making moving it a mighty proposition.
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