In Northumberland, Alpha Recovery stalwart Kevin's got his hands full winching a tanker out of a muddy ditch on a country road. His load is leaning perilously close to an ancient dry wall. If Kevin gets the angle of his pull wrong, he might collapse the bricks. On top of that he's handling the rescue solo on an open road which means he is both winching, steering, and watching out for passing cars.
On the outskirts of Coventry, the Crouch team have been called to an industrial yard where a skeleton trailer has snapped in half, leaving its seven-tonne shipping container sitting at an awkward and dangerous angle. It's a tough rescue and space is tight, so the team decide the only way to pick up the container and broken trailer is with a huge crane. After rigging up with four heavy chains, Steve controls the lift from his sky-high position in the crane. He's relying on Ben to be his eyes and ears on the ground, looking out for any danger.
In Hertfordshire, incident manager Sean has been called into action attending a job that needs a specialist vehicle. A bin cage truck is mired deep in mud far down a narrow lane. A previous crew tried to reach it with their wrecker, but soon realised a smaller rescue car was needed. Sean arrives in his 4 X4 Land Rover with a pint-sized but powerful winch line. He rigs up the truck to his vehicle's winch and uses a tree as his anchor point, but as he tries to pull the truck to safety it soon becomes clear the truck is pulling his car into the mud.
Honest Review : Was a pretty good watch. Loved the soundtrack. Would definitely change 4-5 things to make ...