In episode one, in Hertfordshire, rookie recovery op Euan is tasked with rescuing a ten-tonne rigid. Its rear nearside wheel is stuck deep in muddy water after the narrow country road it was travelling on gave way under its massive weight. The truck is tilting dangerously and could easily topple over onto its side so Euan needs to quickly find a solution before it sinks any further. There's barely any room to operate and to add to the pressure, a long queue of traffic quickly forms. Euan's plan is to lift the rear end of the rigid and hoist it towards the road, but one wrong move could leave this rescue mission dead in the water.
In Northumberland, Alpha recovery op Kev and trainee op Ian go into battle with a massive unit and trailer that's lying slap bang in the middle of a busy roundabout just off the A1. The driver's attempt to turn around went seriously wrong, leaving the tractor unit marooned in muddy ground and the rear trailer wheels wedged across a traffic island. They need to get the road cleared quickly but the tractor unit's not giving up without a fight, and Kev and Ian struggle to gain enough traction to move it off the muddy embankment.
Just outside Northampton, Crouch recovery op Stephen attempts to shift a fully-laden artic. Severe engine failure has left it marooned in a layby on the A43 dual carriageway. With rush hour fast approaching, Stephen needs to put a plan into action pronto but with the half shaft located on the road side of the vehicle, removing it will leave him incredibly exposed to the traffic roaring past just inches away. Any lapse of concentration by a driver could be catastrophic.
mjjones1986 : Malcolm in the middle of a Freudian-AI-Skynet-Mother-Computer. Hard pass