After being saved by the resistance, Future Trunks comes to and learns of Future Mai has found the villains' hideout and saves her after her failed attempt to snipe Goku Black. Future Trunks fights the two again and fails after attempting a suicide attack to destroy Zamasu's body, Goku and Vegeta arriving just in time to save him. Goku Black damages the Time Machine to prevent them from escaping again as Gowasu appears with Shin in an attempt to reason with his apprentice. But Black and Zamasu reveal their actions of slaughtering the other deities, with Goku learning that a Destroyer's death means their angel attendant like Whis enters an inactive state until a replacement appears. Zamasu and Black attempt to kill Gowasu before Goku and Vegeta intervene and battle them while Bulma begins repairing the Time Machine and having Future Trunks repair the sealing urn which Goku brought. Vegeta gets the upper hand over Black due to his training, denouncing his opponent as a thief who never worked to gain his power like any real Saiyan would.
Dvora : Would it be fair to say that this was kind of silly. I mean, I expected so much more from ...