"The Narrow Road to Oku" is a travelogue by poet Matsuo Basho, who visited the region of Tohoku, known in those days as Oku, some 300 years ago. The travelogue contains many poems in a style known as haiku, which are always composed of 5, 7 and then 5 syllables. Today, people also enjoy creating haiku in the English-speaking world. Basho holds an undisputed position as Japan's greatest poet, but travel was another of his true passions. Our journey begins from the Shirakawa Barrier in Fukushima Prefecture. |
Title: | The Narrow Road to Oku Matsuo Bashos Journey through Tohoku | |
Air Date: | July 17, 2017 | |
Runtime: | 30 min | |
Genres: | Travel | |
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