Friend from the Future was a short scene broadcast during Match of the Day and later released online in 2016, which introduced the character of Bill Potts to the world. While this was made before the filming of The Pilot, which introduced Bill to the show proper, some elements were re-used and re-purposed for that episode. In the new scene, Bill and the Doctor are in a Dalek-Movellan war zone, where they have fled to free themselves from some sentient oil, the main antagonist of that story. The story is also technically the first appearance of Heather, as the Dalek shown at the end of this story was later revealed to be the oil in disguise.The Twelfth Doctor and Bill Potts are running from this Dalek. They hide behind a wall, and Bill repeatedly questions the Doctor as to what a Dalek is. Bill mentions the Daleks' standard weapons and their standard catchphrase. The Doctor tells Bill what a Dalek is. He hurriedly explains to her, then they run away, intent on going back to the TARDIS, convinced that 2017 needs them. However, they are cornered by the Dalek.As they turn around a text hits the screen that says "Introducing Pearl Mackie as Bill".
yellow_rose1 : Good luck to you and your sisters.