This drama based on the supernatural revolves around the expansion and contraction on an anesthesia rebreathing bag as Mr. Arcularis' life hangs in the balance on the operating table. While he is unconscious, he dreams that he has recovered and gone on a sea voyage to regain his health. However death follows him in a recurrent dream in which he takes a journey through the heavens. The dream obsesses him, but Clarice, a pretty woman with whom he falls in love, forces him back to reality. At the end, Mr. Arcularis regains consciousness to find Clarice, his nurse, bending over him to say he is all right. |
Title: | Mr. Arcularis | |
Air Date: | April 29, 1951 | |
Runtime: | 60 min | |
Genres: | Drama | |
Fugazi : Wrong movie in the links.