Season premiere ghouligans!! We're answering your burning questions and getting into it.
michaelmyers : dam bitch son shut the f up '' daddys got this u pessy boy!
deadwalker : Looks like a bunch of affluent idiots imo.
(⌐■_■) : What did I just learn? You are what you eat… similarly, I’d be unable to resolve eating ...
michaelmyers : marie is so hot '! i take away from hank '''!!!!!!and dam i t to hell mr whit...
kerfy : can't wait.. a friend just handed me a bunch of reacher novels today too..
maxx.black2 : sweet !!
PsyEnz : Contains spoilers. Click to show. oh my god..... i forget about that Glory Kill at the end
prfob : Yes, well it's February 16th, 2025......WHERE's THE DOG GONE EPISODE.......just saying....
redefender : when will this be developed?
moongoddess : This was brilliant. Absolutely entertaining. Might watch it again one day. watching the Se...
michaelmyers : dam bitch son shut the f up '' daddys got this u pessy boy!