Drysdale has set up a Christmas tree with gifts in the Clampett mansion. The family is confused by some of the gifts. Granny thinks the TV is some kind of fancy washing machine. The family intends to give Mrs. Drysdale a mink, as in the actual animal. At the Drysdale home, Milburn gives Margaret a mink coat. Drysdale tells Margaret that he also got the Clampetts a boat. He hopes that if the Clampetts enjoy the boat enough, they won't want to go back to the hills. Drysdale also got a chimpanzee for the family. The family discovers the boat in the driveway. Jed and Granny then see the chimp in the boat wearing a sailor's suit. At first Margaret doesn't want to go to the Clampetts for Christmas. But Milburn says they have a present for her and it might be the Hope Diamond. After they arrive at the mansion, Drysdale tells Jed he put the boat there as a gift. Granny gives Margaret an assortment of Hillbilly foods as a gift. Elly tells Margaret that she can't find her present and Margaret is quite upset. To teach her a lesson, Drysdale wants to hide Margaret's mink because she just left it laying on the floor. The Clampetts search for a place to sail their boat. But all they see are cars pulling boats.
Piglet : As I'm watching this episode an actor most of us know pops up! But it isn't Shawn Ashmore ...