Amy is desperate to know why Marney never made them #official. Ethan is finally confronted about DM-ing ex Lucy's mate. And Steve is served some harsh home truths by Amira.
Rodreko : Has your opinion changed at all with all the vast corruption being exposed by the Trump ad...
magically_delicious : I had no idea. Thanks very much for the relevant update. {{{the bastards...grrr}}}
Ozymandias75 : technically she has dual citizenship, being born in hawaii yes, but from austrailian paren...
n0nsense : Is there a way to still see the previous "Low Quality" version that was available first? I...
Rix : Thanks for update !
random000 : has been under heavy attack also. They want it to go away, so it was down for ...
snazzydetritus : Far out, thanks for the tip, doll! I try to look for things to watch on internet archive, ...
maxx.black2 : case in point, also posses their very own way back machine, making it an excel...
snazzydetritus : These attacks on IA and Anna's are breaking my heart and making me mad. There are still so...
random000 : Monetization is driving all of this. Monopolization of the monetization happens when they ...
Rodreko : Has your opinion changed at all with all the vast corruption being exposed by the Trump ad...