The Royal Naval docks of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada are cluttered with decommissioned Oberon-class submarines. Once a vital weapon of the Cold War, these O-boats are heading for the scrapyard, all except the HMCS Onondaga, which is destined for a maritime museum 620 miles away, if it can ever get there. The Site historique maritime de la Pointe-au-Père is located in Rimouski, Quebec. Follow a daring team of marine engineers as they attempt to tow this 1,400-ton submarine up Canada's coast in the face of a hurricane, and then haul it over rocky shores and onto a perilously steep railway in 2008. It's a massive move, and the stress factor is just as large. |
Title: | Supersize Submarine | |
Air Date: | June 23, 2009 | |
Runtime: | 60 min | |
GeminiSaga : High budget mediocrity at its best.