An elderly lady reports one of her most prized possessions, a TV, has been stolen. A silent alarm call is a robbery where the store owner is critically wounded putting him and his daughter in a severe financial pinch. They capture one of the suspects but the second one escapes as Reed rescues a baby in a runaway stroller. Reed wishes they had forms for the new program to reimburse victims of violent crimes like this one. A detective has them question the bail bondsman about the suspect in the robbery to find the missing one. He gives them an address where a neighbor has information on the suspect's car and license number. Silent alarm at a drive-in is young men robbing it but unable to flee when their car stalls. They get away but are caught five blocks away by the backup car. A patrol car spots the missing suspect's car and pursues it. Adam-12 picks up the pursuit when the other car is blocked. They chase the man on foot and apprehend him. The elderly woman comes to the station to ask if the officers have found her TV and why something isn't done for victims. At the end the forms for victim reimbursement arrive and they provide one to the daughter.
roystervi : Damn the wait..