Bravo Media's Emmy Award-winning Inside the Actors Studio, hosted by James Lipton, presents a laugh-out-loud, yet intimate episode with the cast of HBO's critically-acclaimed comedy Girls. Creator, co-executive producer and star, Lena Dunham is joined by fellow cast members Jemima Kirke, Zosia Mamet and Allison Williams to appear on Lipton's stage and discuss their most cherished experiences just days before the start of the final season premieres on HBO. Loosely drawn from Dunham's personal life, the Emmy Award-winning series is a comedic look at the raw humiliations and intermittent triumphs of a group of girls in their mid-20's living in New York City. |
Title: | The Cast of Girls | |
Air Date: | February 9, 2017 | |
Runtime: | 60 min | |
yellow_rose1 : oh I didn't know I was assuming it was soft core. I didn't know they posted hard core. Lik...