A police surveillance team has found Collins (Alex Norton) through his white Mercedes, after it was captured on ANPR driving to and from Hatton Garden in the build-up to the raid – against Reader's express instructions. For DCI Johnson and his Flying Squad team it's now just a question of following Collins and seeing where he leads them. And they don't have to wait long. With Reader putting Perkins under pressure to cut him in on the haul, Perkins begrudgingly agrees to meet him. Perkins is minded to give Reader a slice, but when the older man overplays his hand, Perkins loses his temper and tells him he's getting nothing. Police watch everything from a distance and even manage to video the meeting.The gang are slowly destroying themselves from the inside, and all their conversations and meetings are being bugged by the police. Perkins, worried about Reader trying to make a grab for the remaining loot, decides to break his own cardinal rule and bring the final divvy-up of the haul forward. His plan was to leave it for six months, by which time the police surveillance operation would be scaled down. But he distrusts Reader. This is now the moment the Flying Squad has been waiting for – the gang and the haul all in one place at the same time and they make their move to swoop in.
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