bigguy01 : they should have left the ending with the wreckage of the boat washing up on the beach wit...
biker_71 : finally gave this a go, it's fun and good to hear gogol bordello thrown into the mix.
timleyes : Damn, how great is Jerry Jones! If I did not know he was the owner of the Dallas Cowboys,...
grasshopper rex : That's funny, I don't think about you at all.
McShagan : I lived in Cincinnati from 1980 -90 I was pulled over by a Ga state trooper while visiting...
mkmikas : Self-regulation is rampant and toxic; and then when industries are regulated they're regul...
kronickurves : Exactly. And who's watching the Watchmen? No one.
ziggycat2008 : This show was fantastic if you like Science fiction it also had a couple of the best scie...
Twixtid : All I got to say is what the frill?!?!?!?!?! Now I know why they call these Space Opera's....
girlfreddy : Love this show and glad to see it back. Sure miss Sean tho.
bigguy01 : they should have left the ending with the wreckage of the boat washing up on the beach wit...