Ruth Wignall explores the magical sights and sounds of waterfall country while Andrew Price reveals the secrets of the Welsh skies as he goes stargazing in the south Wales valleys.
Alien : Wouldn't it be wonderful if this came to pass?
lofreaque : Upvote for the "shnikies" comment. Long may his memories live on.
greenguy86 : In case anyone is interested. After reviewing the new plot, it seems this season will be b...
yonkk : The Female John McClane . Fighting Terrorist in a high rise building. Good action
greenguy86 : Love the show because of all the characters but last season just wasn't it. I hope it gets...
MP8219 : Lol, Ramona Young at the 12:00 mark is my favorite thing. Sooooo good!
MP8219 : Way too relatable.
Giggity : These links are down. Could we get some new links?
bigguy01 : thought the kaylon were their borg version, krill bit like klingon
random000 : They missed a good opportunity to put The Gossamer in. What the frig is a Gossamer?? He's ...
Alien : Wouldn't it be wonderful if this came to pass?