Three prostitutes in Antwerp, Berlin and Copenhagen are found dead, all shot through their left eyes and a finger cut off – only hours after the Belgian Journalist Jean Louis Poquelin (Carlos Leal) visited them. Europol sets up a Joint Investigation Team under the lead of Harald Bjørn (Lars Mikkelsen) from Denmark, Jackie Mueller (Jasmin Gerat) from Germany und Alicia Verbeek (Veerle Baetens) from Belgium. What first appeared to be a brutal murder series by a single perpetrator soon becomes a much larger case, when the connection to the killing of a fourth woman six years ago is detected. And it seems that more lives are at stake. Many more. The investigation takes the Team all over Europe, soon facing the fight against a widespread criminal network.
random000 : Heck yeah. Movie is too good to not be appreciated. Keep your crazy. It's groovy (•‿-)