Juxtaposed : No lol
ibjonnyc : If that were true then any pretty girl in the kingdom would have been fairer than the evil...
TheShaun2 : Wah wah wah. Keep diving into people's profile like a scavanger. I never looked at yours. ...
Pumaridge : I thought this was pretty good. Way different than expected.
Pumaridge : This really good. Not your typical zombie flick
random000 : Way harsh. This is the one with Charlie Chaplin's granddaughter Oona, among others. She ca...
Kardat : Not enough Perils. Not enough Nude. But it was a short, so I'll cut it some slack. Spoil...
Negan : Who's Bernie Saunders?
Derp_Jergin : Okay guys I actually watched it and it wasn't that good. I checked out the cam copy here a...
yellow_rose1 : Music and whisky in L.A. = the Whisky a go go