Can I pet that dawg? : Your comment brought me here. That sounds like my kinda show.
magiczoo : It also reminds me a lot of Big Little Lies with a little bit of Why Women Kill thrown in....
Leosdestination : Great season ending to an epic TV series
yellow_rose1 : It sucks but I got used to it after a while. It's a good doc. That is what made me stick i...
Lily23 : Contains spoilers. Click to show. 1. Yay!! Spike (and Drusilla) the show felt so empty without him 2. The amount I really h...
kkarlz : This was good :)
Birdsforme : Glad someone else ere appreciated him!
Can I pet that dawg? : Did you watch it here? Because there are no links now.
BluRain : This is a fun show :)
WaxyChicken : Yay! Links! :)