Bali is a small volcanic island of extraordinary natural beauty lying due south of Borneo and a little to the east of Java. When, in the 16th century, its neighbours converted to Islam, Bali persisted with its own faith - a happy blend of Hinduism and spirit worship - and today it enjoys a life of pageantry and festive splendour unequalled anywhere in the world. In Bali, every day is a festival day somewhere in the island and it seems that everyone possesses creative ability. Above all, the Balinese have an outstanding talent for theatre. Their dance-dramas take place at night, when magical forces are at their most potent and when the spirits may be summoned to take part in a play by entering the body of an actor in trance. The dances are understood by everyone, but they are not simply entertainment. They are an offering to the gods, and often an exorcism. In ritual battles demons are cast out and the harmony of village life is restored.
Kill Kenny : ahahaha