Johnny is suffering from insomnia due to the lack of night runs, but during their day runs the firefighters respond to an accident aboard a boat where a butane tank had exploded en route to the marina, Dixie, Drs. Brackett and Early, all treat a boy rescued from a car crash, who suffered a skull fracture when his father swerved to avoid a dog in the road, then a home-grown marijuana smoker who is dying from an unknown ailment until his friend reveals that his plants were grown with parathion. Later the firefighters rescue a worker pinned under a semi truck at the loading dock and a man and boy who fell into a gravel pit. At the end, Johnny seems to have his sleep problem under control–which may not be a good thing when he mistakenly responds to a night run where he and Roy are not supposed to be involved.
dosmundos : TicTok is worth between 100-200 billion. Jimmy's estimated value is 75 million at best.