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Can I fall in love with women? And would I do that?Would her choice for a guy be so sure or would it be just as easy to fall in love with women? Are you gay or straight by birth or would it change over time? Is it in your brains, biological or is it your surroundings? Or would it simply be easier and it just happens. Visiting a cocktailparty in a lesbian bar would be the perfect place to start for this discovery. A night in a bar is familiar for Lauren, but it still feels different. What is it then? And why does it works like this? Brainresearcher Mark Mieras explains why. Lauren visits one of the biggest festivals (Spain) of Europe for lesbians with one goal to kiss a lady once in her life.

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Title: Vrouwenliefde
Air Date: July 9, 2015
Runtime: 35 min

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