Terrifying Timber : Don't waste your time on this convoluted mess. It's pure crappola!
Alien : Why is this file half the size of the first episode? Guess I'll watch it on my fake smartw...
kerfy : they preferr them unconvicted apparently.. lol
ziggycat2008 : They all were good to me but this was the best.
mkmikas : gruesome story, but powerful interviews from survivors of kidnappings
Christmasstar : Great move, enjoyed every bit of it!!@
greenguy86 : It's a good one, not a typical Sandler movie.
Birdsforme : This lovely animation is set from the time of Raymond Briggs parents meeting till and incl...
random000 : Anthony Lucas scores with style & story evocative of Jules Verne, Tim Burton, Guy Maddin &...
yellow_rose1 : Great movie. Great cast. Estevez directed this and in my opinion did a fabulous job. I wil...