Even the most innocuous places bear the scars of a twisted past. Evil can echo through time, lying dormant until the unsuspecting and the innocent unknowingly cross its path.Judy McCarthy has great hopes for her family in their new home. But soon after they move in, a shadowy presence manifests from the darkened corners of their Texas home. Over time, it focuses its wrath on the McCarthy's beautiful teenage daughter, Caressa. It torments her each night her where she should feel most secure-in the confines of her own bedroom. With each passing night, the ghost grows stronger and more intent on holding Caressa captive.As Judy struggles to protect her loved ones, she uncovers a violent secret that threatens everything she holds dear.
Lily23 : Contains spoilers. Click to show. The Maddie storyline (re: the suicide) was freaking ridiculous. Even for this show.