A news helicopter reports in on the devastating destruction of Jaku City, with All Might watching on nervously. In the city, Shigaraki is able to efficiently deal with Endeavor and Ryukyu's attacks, while the Heroes attempting to assist are forced to face against the newly awakened "Near High-End Nomu"; Nomu with the strength of a High-End but lacking coherent thoughts. Shigaraki tries to use this opportunity to kill Eraser Head, but Deku suddenly arrives and tackles him, declaring his and Bakugo's intentions to save their teacher. As Endeavor returns to the battle, he agrees to let the two students join in the fight. Shigaraki hopes to try and capture Deku and escape, but in the process, he ends up calling him his "little brother", surprising the two. He realizes that the will of his master still persists within the Quirk, rejecting it and declaring his desire to be better than All For One. The Heroes proceed to overwhelm Shigaraki with their coordinated attacks. Meanwhile at the Villa, Gigantomachia carries the League of Villains members on his back in an attempt to reach Shigaraki; right before he does Dabi nabs Skeptic to take with them, planning to use him for a specific purpose. Mt. Lady is able to barely hold Gigantomachia off, slowing him down while being pushed backward. Midnight attempts to use her Quirk to send the villain back to sleep but is thwarted by the attacks of Dabi and Mr. Compress, which knocks her to the ground, injuring her. She calls on Yaoyorozu and tells her to create anesthetics in order to put the beast to sleep, just as their call is cut off. With the Heroes busy fighting the villains and only the U.A. students remaining, Yaoyorozu takes charge, issuing orders to her classmates as they prepare to intercept Gigantomachia.
med109 : I grew up in Colorado, so I have been in the woods my whole life.