The Todorokis reminisce on their past history that led them to this moment. Enji and Rei had discovered that while Toya possessed a fire Quirk greater than his father's, he had his mother's constitution, making him resistant to ice but weak to his own fire. In an attempt to protect him, Enji ceased all training with Toya, but when that refused to deter him, he decided to have more kids to make him lose his resolve. After Natsuo's birth, Shoto is born with the Quirk combination Enji desired, to his joy and Toya's devastation. After an incident where Toya had a breakdown and nearly attacked Shoto, Enji banned all interaction between Shoto and the other siblings. By the time he was 13, Toya continued to grow more emotionally distraught with his siblings and mothers, while also training his Quirk to the point his fire grew from red to blue. He wanted to show his father his progress, but upon the realization he had continued his training, a furious Enji took his anger out on Rei. This reached her breaking point, resulting in the incident of Shoto's burning and her hospitalization, followed shortly after by Toya's supposed death as his Quirk went overload and burned the entire mountain down. In the present, Rei declares to Endeavor that he isn't the one suffering the most, and they all carry a small weight in Toya's downfall, so they will help deal with him together. Hawks and Best Jeanist then arrive, telling Endeavor about the current state of the world and requesting a team-up to help solve their problems together. Hawks then asks him about "One For All", as Endeavor's mention of it during the battle with Shigaraki has spread to the public asking questions, leading him to tell them about Midoriya. Meanwhile, All Might continues to watch over Midoriya alone, knowing he is currently having a conversation with the predecessors of One For All.
yellow_rose1 : you bet. The people he interviews are the people that taught us how to rebel and have free...