In Washington, production's soaring with newest generation of Rygaard on the job, but with an ominous blood sun in the sky the day looks ripe for disaster. In Wyoming, David Zitterkopf is back in action with his son Levi to take on their biggest ever job, but after last year's health scare, does David still have what it takes to be the self-proclaimed alpha predator? Up in Alaska, Papac's new unit, dubbed "The Longest Yard", puts the crew and their equipment to the ultimate test as they string a mile of skyline across the mountainside. Meanwhile in Louisiana, the Swampman's on a hot streak after delivering a sixteen thousand board foot order, but today he must finish up a big job for a pint sized client. And down in Florida, Greg Chapman continues his quest for the Legendary Lost Log Train at two new sites on the St John's River.
grasshopper rex : Nikki Glaser would eviscerate you.