It's only the second week into the logging season, but it seems like the teams could already use a break. In Alaska, the Papac team fights to find a replacement to fill the shoes of injured Coatsy. On Washington's Olympic Peninsula, Gabe Rygaard and his crew are scrambling to make up for their slow start by bringing in a second yarder. In Wyoming, David Zitterkopf and Sons keep their chainsaws humming as they tackle their 100 acre site, but run into a snag with the landowners fence. In Canada, Triack Resources is struggling to get their wood off the mountain and delivered to the mill. And down in Florida, the Dreadknots are pulling lots of wood, but it's not the right kind the log buyer's looking for.
grhaggerty : Women Comics are not that funny, sorry. The bar is set pretty low even if Joan Rivers was ...