In Southern Louisiana the Gator Gold Rush is in full swing. Buyers are paying top dollar for alligators, and Troy has a plan to get his share. He's taking a special boat called a "Gator Tail" to an old family honey hole. But when he encounters an unexpected obstacle, he risks it all to fill his boat. Junior Edwards and his son Willy are stalking an elusive beast known for his distinctive roar they call Leo The Lion. But Leo is a formidable adversary and it comes down to Leo, Willy and a pocketknife. Down at Pecan Island, Liz and her partner Kristie are taking a calculated risk of their own, hunting the canals from land to capture a monster that has been terrorizing the local population. R.J. and Jay Paul spy outsiders setting lines directly across from theirs, a direct violation of the code of the swamp. Things escalate quickly and the two-time world arm wrestling champion and his son don't hesitate to take matters into their own hands.
Piglet : This movie was made before the Hayes Code, and you would see a lot of racy stuff. What is ...